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Join Us!

Have you ever considered traveling to another country to work with it’s people? Thought about making a difference in someone’s life? Wanted to do something that changed the way you viewed life?

Here is a portion of what a team member from our September 2015 trip had to say when she came home: “Children needing better education, families needing clean water, mothers needing jobs and lots of mouths needing more food. It is heartbreaking to know you can’t feed everyone, fill enough homes with water filters, or build enough schools to educated all who want to attend. But one thing we learned on our trip… Take a Step. We might not be able to win the whole marathon but we can take ONE STEP. Build one school… feed one child… install one water filter. During our short ten days, we took many steps. There is still a VERY long marathon ahead of us, but many many steps were taken.”

Our goal on each trip is to make relationships with the people we serve. Our philosophy is that we are changing lives… our own. We travel to stand beside those working to make a difference in their own communities. Ethiopians are some of the hardest working people you will meet, also the most loving. The sense of community and pride among those who the world considers the least of these, is amazing to be welcomed in to.

There is need, don’t get me wrong… we have so much work to do. The water filters we build are made along side those who will receive them. We hire locals where we need extra help. We laugh, we cry, we make life long friends. And just because we are called Habesha ‘Momma” … doesn’t mean we would love to have some of you guys with us!

We would love to have you join us. We have a handful of spots left… what is holding you back? See our Travel With US page for more information and to fill our an application.