
On any given day any one of us could walk out our door and witness pain, hurt, loneliness, homelessness, abuse, hunger, disparity, and a multitude of other social and economic human disasters. So much can be done to help and reach out. The wonderful thing is that there are people in place to reach out to the lost, lonely, and hurting like Habitat for Humanity, Pregnancy Care Centers, National Children’s Alliance, National Institute on the Protection of Elder Abuse, Homeless Research Institute, The Institute for Children, Poverty, and Homelessness, and so many more wonderful national, state, and local organizations focused on the betterment of our country and citizens. Someone had the inspiration and wherewithal to create organizations for the needy in our population.

What does this have to do with Habesha Momma?

Ethiopia School - Global ImpactWell, as with those who have a call on their life to provide programs for America, Andrea Gaines has a call on her life to reach out to the neediest in Ethiopia. After adopting 4 beautiful children from Ethiopia, Andrea knew she wanted to give back to a country that had blessed her with her most precious gifts. Through partnerships with citizens of Ethiopia, we are empowering individuals and youth with the skills necessary to build a lasting, sustainable life.

Your role is through support of our work and efforts in Ethiopia. A school that empowers and encourages children to reach beyond the imaginary boundaries of poverty. School personnel that truly believe in the education of our future; water filters that provide clean water for a more sustainable life and health. We aren’t asking you to go – unless of course you want to join one of our teams! We would love to have you! We are asking you to help us go. We are asking you to help us sustain the school. Educational growth in Ethiopia will have a global impact – will you help us be a part of a better future for all people?


Written by Natalie Duncan
Board of Directors