- It’s roughly $75 per month to clothe, house, educate and feed a child in Debre Markos that has been rescued from the streets.
- Donations are 100% tax deductible.
Donate Any Amount
You Make This Happen: Want to join us in sharing pride, joy, hope, stability and freedom to men, women and children around the world? By donating to Habesha Momma you will be helping us provide hope to children living on the streets in Debre Markos.
Any amount helps make a difference.
CLICK HERE to donate.
Help Ethiopian Kids
We help Ethiopian kids. We also help families. Your donation will be appreciated and also respected. Even if you think your donation is too small to matter, it isn’t. What you may think is a small amount may feed a child this week. Please consider donating to our organization and if you have any questions please feel free to email or call us.
Thank you for supporting the efforts of Habesha Momma in Ethiopia! Your donation matters! From the smallest to the largest, it all helps to change the lives of the people we serve, transforming futures. Explore the possibilities below.. Each donation is 100% tax deductible.
Thank you,
Andrea Gaines,
Habesha Momma