Habesha Momma Blog

Tree of Love

We are GROWING!! And we need YOU to help us GROW our Tree of Love. Our school in Hawassa will be expanding to close to 100 children in September and we are partnering with an organization in Debre Markos helping rescue children from the streets and from trafficking....



I am not one of those people who can say, “I have ALWAYS loved Africa." or "I have always had a heart for Africa!” I honestly never really thought about it as a kid other than in the 80’s during the ‘Band-Aid’ era where we were all faced with the reality of starving...

We Believe Children are the Future

We Believe Children are the Future

Whitney Houston was an exceptionally talented musician with a plethora of popular songs many of us hold nearand dear. Songs like I Wanna Dance with Somebody, I Will Always Love You (from The Bodyguard), My Love is Your Love, and When You Believe (duet with Maria Carey...

A Tribute to My Mom – Beth Geditz

A Tribute to My Mom – Beth Geditz

My first concrete memory of Mom is of her reading to my little brother and me. We were sitting on the rust-colored orange carpet of the living room with our backs against a cupboard. Vince and I were tucked into either side of Mom while she read from Aesop’s Fables....

Clean Water is a Gift

Clean Water is a Gift

Finding the words to share about one of my most favorite places in the world has been difficult. There’s so much to say about a country that touches you in the depths of your soul. From the moment I stepped off of the plane, 4 ½ years ago, I was never the same. I...

Does running scare you?

Does running scare you?

What do the words running and marathon say to you? As we approach the beginning of our 2nd annual Ripples of Change Virtual Marathon we have heard things like "I could never run a marathon!" or " I hate running!" I feel ya, I am one of those people, when I hear the...

Can you make a global impact?

Can you make a global impact?

Why should you support Habesha Momma (HM) and education in Ethiopia?  What is the benefit?  How will supporting the Mulat Knowledge School (MKS) impact the global future? These are all valid and important questions. We all face issues and challenges in our green...

Why water filters?

Why water filters?

Why Water Filters? Written by: Andrea Gaines Less than half of the population in Ethiopia has access to safe drinking water. In rural areas that number drops significantly. Water quality is so poor because it’s often contaminated by human and animal waste. Because of...

How many reasons do you need?

How many reasons do you need?

How many reasons do you need? By Christine Prendergast I came across a Huffington Post article “26 Reasons Not to Run a Marathon” and while I know a marathon isn’t for everyone, I can’t help but think this article is really reverse psychology.  I am a 2-time marathon...

Education is Imperative to Lifelong Success

Education is Imperative to Lifelong Success

“Ethiopia is one of the Sub-Saharan African countries in which children constitute a large section of the population. According to the Ethiopian Central Statistics Agency (CSA, 2009), over 40% of the current population are below 15 years of age and about 80% of the...

Delivering Backpacks to Mulat Knowledge School

Delivering Backpacks to Mulat Knowledge School

Kindergarten and Backpacks in Hawassa An excerpt from our guidelines 'The kindergarten year is critical in laying a strong foundation for the future of every child. High quality kindergarten programming depends on encouraging children's development and learning in all...

On the streets at age 6…

On the streets at age 6…

We arrived in Debre Markos at about 8:30 pm, found a hotel room, threw our stuff in the rooms and headed back outside. Into the cool windy streets we walked, looking for familiar little faces. As we rounded a corner, a boy about 8 yrs old, carrying his box of...

Ripples of Change Marathon is Registering NOW

Ripples of Change Marathon is Registering NOW

Ripples of Change Marathon Registering NOW Have you always wanted to complete a marathon? Or maybe that's never been on your radar, but you would like to get in better shape, or just enjoy being out doors? Which ever appeals to you, we have an awesome way for you to...

Backpacks for Our Students

Backpacks for Our Students

Backpacks for our students at Mulat Knowledge School UPDATE- ALL are Provided!! WAHOO!! 🙂 You guys are awesome!! 🙂 THANK YOU!! We have a fun way that you can help us bless our kids at our school in Hawassa. Our president, Andrea, is headed over to Ethiopia to visit...

Ethiopian Epiphany Holiday

Ethiopian Epiphany Holiday

Timkat, or Epiphany is a holiday celebrated by the Ethiopian Orthodox church. It is a symbolic commemoration of the baptism of Jesus in the River Jordan by John the Baptist. For Ethiopian Orthodox Christians, it serves as a renewal of their baptismal vows. The...

You Are Needed!

You Are Needed!

Did you know the literacy rate is 55% among the youth population in Ethiopia and is lower in poorer sector? The highest rates are among girls, and the highest drop out rate begins in secondary school? If children are able to get to school, they generally are needed...

Travel With Us Tuesday

Travel With Us Tuesday

Join Us! Have you ever considered traveling to another country to work with it's people? Thought about making a difference in someone's life? Wanted to do something that changed the way you viewed life? Here is a portion of what a team member from our September 2015...

Save the date…

Save the date…

The second annual Ripples of Change Virtual Marathon is coming!!! What does it mean to make Ripples of Change? The Dalai Lama once said “Just as ripples spread out when a single pebble is dropped into water, the actions of individuals can have far-reaching effects.”...

Uniforms for Mulat Knowledge School with New Pics

Uniforms for Mulat Knowledge School with New Pics

Uniforms for Mulat Knowledge School Have Arrived!! We just received these awesome pictures of the kids at the Mulat Knowledge School - MKS receiving their new uniforms. How wonderful do they look? Students in Ethiopia are all required to wear uniforms to school, even...

Shop at AmazonSmile and they will Donate to us!

Shop at AmazonSmile and they will Donate to us!

AmazonSmile Program Details AmazonSmile is a website operated by Amazon that lets you enjoy the same wide selection of products, low prices, and convenient shopping features as on Amazon.com. The difference is that when you shop on AmazonSmile (smile.amazon.com), the...

Happy New Year 2016

Happy New Year 2016

Happy 2016 to you all! Thank you for visiting our site and joining us as we share the progress of the work we are making in Ethiopia. Today we received pictures of our kids at the Mulat Knowledge School - MKS, in their new uniforms! Uniforms in school in Ethiopia is a...